Useful commands to work on the IFB-core Cluster
Here are some useful command lines you may need to work on the IFB-core Cluster during the practical.
You can find more detailed information and video tutorial on IFB-core Cluster Documentation.
How to download/upload your data from the cluster
To download file/files from the cluster to your current directory
scp '<your login><absolute path to your file>' .
To download a folder from the cluster to your current directory
scp -r '<your login><absolute path to your folder>' .
To upload a file to the cluster
scp '<path to your local folder>' '<your login><absolute path to the target folder>'
How to get information on your current job
squeue -u <your login>
How to list all your running/pending jobs
squeue -u <your login> -t RUNNING
squeue -u <your login> -t PENDING
How to cancel jobs
Cancel a specific job
scancel <jobid>
Cancel all your jobs
scancel -u <your login>
Cancel all your pending jobs
scancel -t PENDING -u <your login>